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Sow Marketing Soluções Digitais Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:14:22 +0000 pt-BR hourly 1 Sow Marketing 32 32 Marketing digital e seus benefícios Thu, 10 Feb 2022 20:14:01 +0000 A invenção da internet e seu uso em massa abriram as portas para o marketing digital.

Mas foi a partir dos telefones inteligentes, os famosos smartphones, que empresas do mundo foto acordaram para uma nova realidade.

A forma como conversar com seu público mudou. E mudou para melhor.

O marketing digital está crescendo rapidamente em popularidade devido à sua eficácia em atingir e engajar clientes através de meios mais acessíveis a eles.

Na palma da mão, literalmente, o público tem infinitas possibilidades e, a partir daí, guia as suas escolhas.

Se você ainda é iniciante no assunto e está se perguntando quais são os reais benefícios do marketing digital para seu negócio, está no lugar certo.

Separamos as principais vantagens para você aceitar a necessidade de investir nessa estratégia hoje mesmo.

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Google diz que emojis não vão prejudicar ou ajudar SEO Thu, 10 Feb 2022 18:38:42 +0000
Atenção, todos os profissionais de SEO: John Mueller atacou novamente.

Dessa vez, o nosso Search Advocate do Google preferido trouxe palavras de sabedoria sobre a presença de emojis em títulos de páginas da web, meta descrições e no próprio conteúdo.

Ele disse que se você quiser usá-los, pode ir em frente. Emojis não prejudicarão nem ajudarão suas estratégias de SEO.

Mueller revelou essa atualização durante o hangout do Google Search Central SEO office-hours de 28 de janeiro. Só que uma pergunta permaneceu na minha cabeça: você pode incluir emojis em suas páginas, mas você deve realmente fazer isso?

Aqui estão dois pontos a serem considerados

1: Usar emojis pode ser uma perda de tempo 🤡

Sim, eles são bonitinhos e engraçados. Mas como os emojis não farão nada para ajudar você a ter uma classificação alta nas SERPs, qual é o sentido de usá-los?

Como profissional de SEO, você não quer dedicar horas valiosas otimizando páginas para coisas que não trarão resultados positivos.

Além disso, a SERP está sempre mudando. Se o Google simplesmente decidir parar de mostrar emojis nas pesquisas, todo o seu ótimo trabalho com eles pode ser substituído por informações de código estranhas ou quadrados em branco □.

Além de tudo isso, o algoritmo do Google já está reescrevendo um número significativo de títulos de páginas simplesmente porque acha que pode criar títulos melhores do que você.

Isso significa que seu precioso emoji no título pode desaparecer ou se tornar outra coisa. De acordo com Mueller:

“Não mostramos todos esses [emojis] nos resultados da pesquisa, especialmente se acharmos que isso atrapalha os resultados no sentido de poder parecer enganoso, esse tipo de coisa. Mas você pode definitivamente mantê-los lá, não é que eles causem problemas.

Eu não acho que você teria nenhuma vantagem significativa em colocá-los lá, porque no máximo o que tentamos descobrir é o que é o equivalente a esse emoji e talvez usar essa palavra também, meio associada à página.”

2: Emojis em títulos podem aumentar sua taxa de cliques 👆

Digamos que você está usando emojis em títulos e meta descrições, e que eles não são enganosos ou spam. Eles têm a chance de melhorar sua taxa de cliques (CTR), gerando mais tráfego para suas páginas?

Alguns especialistas em SEO acreditam que sim, embora não haja dados claros para comprovar isso.

O que sabemos é que 92% dos usuários da internet usam emojis quando se comunicam. Na verdade, 36% dos millennials consideram que os emojis expressam seus pensamentos e sentimentos melhor do que palavras.

Então, dependendo do seu negócio, pode ser uma ótima ideia incluir emojis para aumentar a visibilidade da sua página na SERP e atrair a atenção dos leitores.

Por exemplo, se você tem uma pizzaria e quer aparecer no radar de alguém que está procurando por “🍕 perto de mim”, então você pode escrever versões do seu título usando o emoji de pizza. É tudo uma questão de ter uma hipótese e colocá-la à prova.

A empresa SplitSignal, por exemplo, fez um experimento para investigar o impacto de um emoji de bebida (🍹) no título de uma página de receita. O resultado foi uma CTR maior e um aumento no tráfego orgânico de 11,3%.

Conclusão 🔚

Então, aonde chegamos?

Emojis podem tornar seu negócio mais amigável e acessível, mesmo que não contribuam diretamente para o sucesso de suas estratégias de SEO.

Como citamos, é impossível ter 100% de certeza de que seus emojis aparecerão nos resultados de pesquisa. Mas, se aparecerem, eles podem influenciar positivamente sua CTR e tráfego.

Isso realmente depende do seu negócio, do seu mercado e de quem você está tentando alcançar.

Nesse sentido, aqui vai uma dica para entender melhor seu público: confira nosso gerador interativo e construa sua buyer persona para conhecer todos os aspectos de seus clientes ideais!

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Furniture Company Appoints Retail Heavyweight Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:05:47 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?


Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?


Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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How to Increase Your ROI Through scientific SEM? Mon, 02 Aug 2021 05:37:34 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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Compare Photo Views Mon, 02 Aug 2021 04:00:20 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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Twice Profit Than Before You Ever Got Sun, 01 Aug 2021 14:36:48 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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Cloud Hosting Growing Faster Ever Sun, 01 Aug 2021 13:47:09 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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Best Domain Name for Student Ever Sun, 01 Aug 2021 13:00:01 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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3 Ways to Transform Your Blog Into a SEO Machine Sun, 01 Aug 2021 12:59:51 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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Social media changes the relationship between companies Sun, 01 Aug 2021 12:56:10 +0000

Want to know the one thing that every successful digital marketer does first to ensure they get the biggest return on their marketing budget? It’s simple: goal-setting. This is an absolutely essential practice for any digital marketer who knows how to execute their campaigns in a productive, cost-effective way. With a few. With a few simple tips, you can be doing the same in no time! In this blog, we’ll walk you through the first steps every savvy digital marketer takes to ensure that they’re on target to hit all their marketing objectives. Get ready for revenue! 

Remember: even if the channel you’re considering is all the rage right now, it might not fit your brand. Always make informed decisions that directly relate to your company. Otherwise, your message won’t be delivered to its intended audience and you’ll have wasted time, effort and money.

Know Your Digital Goals

The first step is clearly identifying which goals you want to achieve. Get specific. Do you want to increase brand awareness? Are you all about locking in leads? Do you want to establish a strong network of influencers that can help you be discovered? How about pushing engagement on social media?

Get Specific

A useful tool for narrowing down your goals to ensure they’re viable is the SMART mnemonic. It’s important to get specific to understand exactly what you’re working towards, and help you break down the process of hitting your targets. This is exactly what this mnemonic helps you to achieve.

  • Does the channel reach my intended audience?
  • Is the channel sustainable and affordable within my company’s marketing budget?
  • Will I be able to measure the success of the channel?
  • Does the channel allow me to express my brand’s intended message?
  • Do the channels I’m considering work together to convey my message?

Always Remember Your Goals!

Establishing a solid vision for your business is the first step to planning your digital marketing budget. Always keep your final goals in sight when organising anything for your company. When deciding which steps to take next in your business, ask yourself how they will help you achieve the goals you outlined in Step #1. This will ensure that you stay on track and prevent you from spending your budget on anything that won’t help you achieve.

Cum et essent similique. Inani propriae menandri sed in. Pericula expetendis has no,
quo populo forensibus contentiones et, nibh error in per.

Denis Robinson

As your budget progresses and evolves, continue referring to your SMART objectives. Stay focused and remember your goals – they will always inform what your next step will be!

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